The Society for Philosophy of Causation

The Society for Philosophy of Causation was founded in Kyoto on June 26th 2023 by the silent agreement of people present in one of the rooms of the Seifuso Villa. A century earlier, the Japanese prime minister held there talks with the queen of Belgium. Only history will tell which of these two events were more consequential.

SPOC’s mission is to promote research in causation. Some of the society’s activities include:

The society is for philosophers, psychologists, linguists, and computer scientists working on causation. There are no fees. To be included in the mailing list and the discord channel, and otherwise count officially as a member, please send an email to titled membership. If it’s not immediately clear that you work on causation (e.g., from your personal website, publication record), please describe your interests briefly in the email. This is to filter out bots and spies.

annual conference

Annually, SPOC organizes a conference. The first one was in Kyoto. The second one was in Göttingen.

Gösation 2024

The second annual confernece of the Society for Philosophy of Causation is taking took place in Paulinerkirche, Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen, Germany, on July 19-21, 2024. The first one took place in Kyoto, Japan, on June 24-26, 2023. It was widely considered a blast, and the current one is expected to be second one was too.

Donnerstag, 18. Juli
19Dinner: Zum Szültenbürger Prinzenstraße 7
Freitag, 19. Juli
11-12Jenn McDonald Columbia Universität
Deriving Naturalness from Causal Structures
12-13Sander Beckers Universität Amsterdam
Nondeterministic Causal Models
13-14Gauvain Bourgne Sorbonne Universität
Causality and Responsibility with Non-Occurrence of Events
15-16Michael Waldmann Universität Göttingen
Interpolating Causal Mechanisms: The Paradox of Knowing More
16-17Caitlin Mace Pittsburgh Universität
On Dissecting Causal Circuits
17-18Liu Yue Southwest University of Finance and Economics
Causal Reasoning as Causal Model Attribution
19Dinner: Café Botanik Karspüle 1B
Samstag, 20. Juli
10-11Alexander Max Bauer Universität Oldenburg
Experimental Evidence in Favor of the Compositionality Constraint
11-12Tom Wysocki Universität Göttingen
Polymorphic Functions for a Better Semantics of Counterfactuals
12-13Reuben Stern Duke Universität
Causal Direction in Causal Bayes Nets
14-15Alexander Gebharter Marche Polytechnic Universität
A causal Bayes net analysis of dispositions
15-16Gabriel Gil ICIMAF, Havana, Cuba
Rethinking the Counterfactual Theory of Causation
16-17Reinoud Pino Universität Amsterdam
On The Possibility of Quantum Interventionism
19Dinner: Hans im Glück Goethe-Allee 8
Sonntag, 21. Juli
10-11Luna De Souter Universität Bergen
Identifiability and informativeness in regularity theory of causation
11-12Can Konuk École Normale Supérieure
Plurals in causal judgment
12-13Julie Goncharov Universität Göttingen
Rationalising Statements and Causation
14-15Malcolm Forster Universität Wisconsin-Madison
Probability, Causality, and the Dog Bite Example
15-16Simon Stephan Universität Göttingen
Reasoning about Actual Causation in Reversible and Irreversible Causal Structures
16-17Xiuyuan An Fudan Universität
Brain Regions as Difference-Makers and the Limits of Interventionism
19Dinner: Le Feu Weender Landstraße 23
Montag, 22. Juli
noonBrunch: Deutsches Theater Bistro Theaterplatz 11

APA affiliated sessions

SPOC is affiliated with the American Philosophical Association. As an affiliate, SPOC can organize sessions at APA divisional meetings. The first one will be in New York.

Eastern APA 2025

The first APA affiliated session will be held at the Eastern APA in New York. Please submit an abstract or paper to, but please submit only if you can come to New York, register for the meeting, and also contribute to renting the projector. The deadline for submissions is August 11.


You can subscribe to the SPOC google calendar.

The calendar contains deadlines of interest to SPOC members, such as the deadline for the SPOC confernce, SPOC affiliated sessions at the APA, the three deadlines for the APAs, online talks, deadlines for conferences related to causation, SPOC online talks, or other online talks. If you know of an event that should make its way to this calendar, please post it on the Discord channel, and I'll add it to the calendar.


To contact the society, message Tom Wysocki at

The formal address of the society, as if this ever mattered, is currently:
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Georg-Elias-Müller-Institut für Psychologie
Goßlerstraße 14
37073 Göttingen, Deutchland.